The place where learning is easy and pleasant! is a place where you can acquire knowledge in the field of web technologies in an accessible and simple way.

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Why developers should change their thinking about documentation?

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Created by Damian Marusarz

How does writing documentation change developers' thinking about the code? How to increase documentation quality and decrease programmer's frustration at the same time with a ready-to-use and simple solution?

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Why console.log is bad and how to disable it in production code

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Created by Damian Marusarz

How to solve a common problem with console.log on production? Why generally is a bad idea to use console for debugging purposes, and how we can improve this method if we are not ready to change and use other

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APP_INITIALIZER - Perform action before Angular application starts

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Created by Damian Marusarz

Did you have a case in your life when you had to make an API call or make some configuration stuff in your Angular app but it needed to be done before the application started? APP_INITIALIZER is what you are searching

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Angular Renderer2 - How to use and why is needed

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Created by Damian Marusarz

Interaction with the DOM element in Angular, how to do it properly? What is a Renderer2 and why it's called an extra abstraction layer? Why native DOM API is dangerous in a multi-platform context?

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Resize Observer - how to observe HTML element size changes

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Created by Damian Marusarz

How were resizing elements handled in the past? How can I easily and effectively respond to resizing of an element in HTML? What should we pay attention to when working with ResizeObserver?

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Angular Resolver - how to use them and increase application UX

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Created by Damian Marusarz

How to remove the blinking effect from components that rely on async data? What disadvantages Angular Resolver has and why sometimes isn't working as we would expect? How to implement resolver and increase UX?

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@ViewChild() - Maximize the benefits of an angular decorator

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Created by Damian Marusarz

Why @ViewChild decorator is necessary, should we always use it? How to get a reference to directive instance from HTML template and why do we most often work with reference in ngAfterView method?

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How to listen to changes any or all @Inputs which a component has?

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Created by Damian Marusarz

You will learn how to control changes in @Inputs properties. Why sometimes setter doesn't work as you think and how to use ngOnChanges method correctly without unnecessary method calls?

Few words about the author

Damian Marusarz

Front-End Engineer and Blog Originator. I am an enthusiast of building web applications and I spend a significant part of my time on creating the frontend layer of web applications using the Angular framework. In the past, I was a hobbyist involved in designing graphical interfaces in mobile and desktop games, which gave me a certain sense of aesthetics.

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